Bio-identieke creme Controletest
Deze test is speciaal samengesteld voor controle tijdens gebruik van biodientieke crême
en bestaat uit:
- Estron E1
- Estriol vrij E3
- Oestradiol E2
- Progesteron
Bio-identical hormone creams prescribed and ordered by doctor in Porto, Portugal Dr. Miguel Damas, MD.
"Since March, we are now part of the biggest network of Functional Medicine clinics in the world, the Nordic Clinic group.
We hope that, through this partnership, we are able to help more people in even more countries."
Nordic Clinic by Cristina Sales
Rua Alexandre Herculano, n.371 3º dto ft, 4000-055 Porto, Portugal
He orders the creams at a compounding pharmacy in Germany called Receptura.
The Compounding Pharmacy:
Receptura Apotheke
International Compounding Pharmacy
FIZ Frankfurter Innovationszentrum Biotechnologie
Uni-Campus Riedberg, Altenhöferallee 5
D-60438 Frankfurt am Main/Germany
Frankfurt am Main HRA 50346